What is NDIS Choice and Control?

What is choice and control?

“Choice and Control” is a phrase often used in the NDIS, but what does it actually mean, and how does it help participants with their supports?

What does “Choice and Control” mean?

Choice and control is the principle that NDIS participants should have power over the planning and delivery of their supports to ensure it aligns with their goals.

What is “Choice”?

Choice is the ability to set your own goals and make choices about who provides your supports so you can achieve those goals.

Choice is the way you directly interact with the NDIA and your provider during planning and coordination. They present options to you, such as providers and services, and you choose which ones you prefer based on your preferences and what you think will be most beneficial to you.

What is “Control”?

Control is the ability to decide when and where you receive support, as well as the activities your partake in during your support.

Control is the way you interact with your support mentor and provider on a day-to-day basis. It is within your power to decide what you want to do.

Choice, Control and Flexibility

Everybody’s goals and circumstances are unique to them, which is why the purpose of choice and control is giving flexibility to participants. Choice and control gives participants the ability to choose their services from whichever provider or multiple providers they believe will benefit them the most.

Flexibility is accentuated in the fact that an NDIS participant can benefit from multiple providers and services at once. For example, a participant could receive School Leavers Employment Support, Supported Independent Living, and Community Access at the same time from different providers because they are all covered under their plan.

This is where plan management and support coordination are essential to NDIS participant experience, as they offer opportunities to engage in choice and control to affect a their own plan and receive better outcomes.

How does Arch Association do Choice and Control?

The heart of Arch Association is daring to dream, and that means setting your own goal and making continuous motions towards it.

We give our customers Choice through taking the time to get to know them so they feel comfortable opening up and creating their own goals for the future they want, then structuring our supports to achieve those goals.

We give our customers Control through their direct ongoing influence over what they want to do on their supports. We achieve this through quarterly support reviews, customer satisfaction surveys, and frequent assessment of our support mentors to ensure they are delivering quality supports that align with your goals.

If you’re ready to have real choice and control of your NDIS plan, reach out to us today.

Connor Monaghan

Connor is a marketer and writer working at Arch Association and Arch Recruitment.


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